Bed Heating Failed Printer Halted Marlin Firmware

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Marlin failed printer halted

In this article I will share to your how to fix Bed Heating Failed Printer Halted after upgrade Marlin Firmare.

The Heater catridg or heating unit will continue to heat the heater block or bed. to read the heat on the unit, a thermistor is needed.

The microcontroller will controll the heater by value of thermistor. If not, the heat will continue to increase. This will overheating that allows for smoke, the filament will continue to flow and even a fire can occur.

One of the important features of the Marlin Firmware is the thermal protection which allows the firmware to catch a bad situation and turn off the heater before it gets too far.

Type of Thermal Protection Marlin Firmware

There are two thermal protections in marlin.

  1. If the temperature fails to rise sufficiently within a certain period of time (by default, 2 degrees in 20 seconds), the machine will shut down with a “Heating failed” error.
    Usually this happens because Thermistor is disconnected, loose, or misconfigured, or the heater is disconnected.
  2. Monitor thermal stability. If the measured temperature deviates too far from the target temperature for too long, the engine will shut down with a “Thermal runaway” error.
    Usually this happens because the temperature goes as far as up/down 10 °C.
    Usually this happens because poor contact between thermistor and hot lead, poor PID adjustment, or cold environment.

More thermal protection options are in Configuration_adv.h. In most settings, this can be left unchanged, but must be adjusted as needed to prevent false positives.

How to solve this error?

Here I will share my experience and how to solve the Heating Failed Printer Halted Please restart error.

I am using the Anet A8 printer and this error occurred after I upgraded the Marlin firmware.

I started to print objects with a bed temperature of 95 degrees and Fan Print speed is 100%. So when printing on layer 2 or 3 (I forgot about layer), the error “Heating Failed Printer Halted Please Restart” appears on LCD.

Bed Heating Failed Printer Halted Marlin Firmware

After that I did an investigation on my anet a8 3d printer machine. So I get the cause of this warning popping up is the temperature suddenly goes 10 degrees lower than the specified temperature.

The reason is that the 100% fan speed will blow fast air into the BED, so the BED will lose heat slowly.

After I look on the LCD for long time, the BED temperature will decrease to 85 degrees from 95 degrees, after that “please restart” error is appears. The board cannot adjust to the 95 degrees.

Solution for my case.

I tune my printer to turn the fan by 50% by setting the fan value from 255 to 127.

After that, I don’t get this error again. Here I can be sure the printer has been working normally.

To be able to set the fan speed during the Print process, I set it in the Slicer software like cura or PrusaSlicer.

In the speed fan, I only set it to 50% and the printer was running smoothly.

Another solution.

Please check for other causes such as Thermistor is disconnected, loose, or misconfigured, the heater is disconnected, poor contact between thermistor and hot lead, poor PID adjustment, or cold environment.

Hopefully this Bed Heating Failed Printer Halted Marlin Firmware article is useful.

Read more:
> How to Upgrade Firmware Anet A8 Marlin
> How to Burn Bootloader Anet A8 Board
> Anet Boot Loop After Upgrade Marlin Firmware
> How to Flash Firmware Via USB on Anet A8 ATMega1284
> CH340 dev ttyUSB not showing Linux, but detected in terminal