Introduction Arduino and Programming C++

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Introduction to Arduino Programming – In this article we will get acquainted with Arduino. This is article that is suitable for beginners.

What is Arduino?

Arduino is an electronic platform consisting of a microcontroller module and IDE developed by the Arduino company.

The microcontroller module is an electronic board whose main component is a microcontroller.

While the IDE (Integrated development environment) is a software that is used to program the microcontroller.

Introduction Arduino and Programming C++

Why Learn Arduino?

There are several reasons why we should learn microcontrollers through the Arduino platform, including:

  • The price of the Arduino board is cheap.
  • Free Arduino IDE software.
  • Easy to use microcontroller platform.
  • Supports AVR, PIC and ARM microcontrollers.
  • There are many libraries available.
  • There are many tutorials available.
  • Supported by sensor modules and other teaching materials.
  • Adequate forum and discussion support.
  • Users all over the world.

Arduino Programming Language

By default, the Arduino IDE software uses the C++ programming language to program the microcontroller on the Arduino board.

Other programming languages ​​can also be used, namely Python in MicroPython software.

However, in this tutorial we only use the Arduino IDE software as the programming software.

C++ is the most popular programming language in the world. The C++ programming language is widely used in operating systems, GUIs and embedded systems.

C++ has high flexibility, so it can be used to program between hardware.

An example of a basic Arduino program Introduction Arduino is as follows:

int pinLED = 13;             

void setup() {
  pinMode(pinLED, OUTPUT);    

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(pinLED, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(pinLED, LOW);  

In the next steps, we will learn about the basic syntax of the example program above.