Elementary OS 5.1 Hera
Elementary OS is my favorite Linux distribution. Especially for the old version because it can run on low specs. Besides that, I feel that it looks elegant and simple. That’s why I saved the old version updates for you to download Elementary OS 5.1 Hera.
Although now elementary os version has brought the latest update with a better look, I still like this 5.1 version because of its stability on low systems and compact.
Elementary OS System Requirements
The minimum system requirements for Elementary OS Hera are as follows:
- 2 GHz processor.
- 2 GB of RAM.
- 15 GB of disk space.
Therefore, I made this elementary 5 Hera backup for those of you who need this OS.
Before downloading, maybe you want to find out again about the latest features available in elementary OS 5.1.
Greeter & Onboarding
Newly redesigned Login page and lock screen looks sharper, works better, and fixes many issues like focus and HiDPI.
By default, the elementary team recommends installing apps through the AppCenter because the available apps have been subjected to extensive automated and human reviews of the software.
However there are some applications that will not meet the strict requirements for AppCenterneed to be distributed elsewhere, namely flatpak. The Elementary team has created a new core base OS utility called Sideload to make it really easy to sideload Flatpak apps.
App Center
Now AppCenter can run up to 10× faster by increasing performance across apps and performing more tasks in parallel, resulting in lower memory usage and a faster overall experience.
Download Elementary OS 5.1 Hera Free
If you are interested in using it, here I provide a button to download which I saved on DropBox. Please click the following download button:
For more about the features available on the Linux EOS Hera, you can read the official Elementary OS Blog page here.