Change Font Arduino IDE Editor

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Font Arduino IDE

How to Change Font Arduino IDE Editor? – Arduino IDE editor uses the default font. If yout don’t like it, you can change the font in the preferences.txt file. In this article is made, I use the operating system Linux.

To view the location of the preferences.txt file, open the Arduino IDE sofware, then click the File menu, then select Preferences.

On the new window you will see at the bottom, there is a preferences.txt file address (red arrow). Please remember that address and now please close Arduino IDE.

Change Font Arduino IDE

Change Font

Please never change the preferences.txt file while the Arduino IDE is open. The font will not change! Please close your Arduino IDE application.

  • Open the preferences.txt file, then look for the line “editor.font=”.
  • By default it says “editor.font=Monospaced,plain,16″.
  • Change the Monospaced font to the desired font.
  • For example, I have installed a font named “Fira Code”.
  • So, the text becomes “editor.font=Fira Code,plain,16”
  • After that, save the preferences.txt file.
  • Reopen Arduino IDE and you will see the font changed

Hopefully this Change Font Arduino IDE article is useful.