Baud Rate Arduino On Serial Port. What Does It Mean?

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What is Baud Rate?

What is Baud Rate Arduino Serial Communication Microcontroller – In this tutorial, we will discuss what Baud Rate is. We often encounter this when we want to use microcontroller arduino serial communication.

Every data sent via serial communication, there will be rules that make the data can be sent and received properly by the receiving device.

Baud Rate Arduino On Serial Port. What Does It Mean?

The rules for serial communication are:

  • The re is a presence of data bits
  • There is a synchronization bit
  • There is a parity or check bit
  • There is a baud rate

In this article we will focus on the baud rate and its values.

In serial communication, Baud Rate is a data transfer rate in units of bits per second (bps). If the baud rate is 9600, it means that the ability to send data is 9600 bits in one second.

1 character is same as 1 byte.

1 byte is 8 bits.

This means that within 1 second, 9600 baud rat can transfer 1200 characters..

The higher the baud rate we will use the more data that can be transferred in 1 second.

This data transfer capability also depends on the baudrate regulation between the sender and receiver. The baudrate value that is set must be the same between the sender and receiver.

Arduino Baud Rate Value

On arduino, the default baud rate is 9600. Some othe baudrate values​​like 300 baud,1200 baud, 2400 baud, 4800 baud, 9600 baud, 19200 baud, 38400 baud, 57600 baud, 74880 baud, 115200 baud, 230400 baud, 250000 baud, 500000 baud, 1000000 baud, and 2000000 baud.

If we convert it into the number of characters that can be sent in one second, the number will be as follows:

  • 300 baud rate can send 37 characters per 1 second
  • 1200 baud rate can send 150 characters per 1 second
  • 2400 baud rate can send 300 characters per 1 second
  • 4800 baud rate can send 600 characters per 1 second
  • 9600 baud rate can send 1200 characters per 1 second
  • 19200 baud rate can send 2400 characters per 1 second
  • 38400 baud rate can send 3800 characters per 1 second
  • 57600 baud rate can send 7200 characters per 1 second
  • 74880 baud rate can send 9,360 characters per 1 second
  • 115200 baud rate can send 14400 characters per 1 second
  • 230400 baud rate can send 28800 characters per 1 second
  • 250000 baud rate can send 31250 characters per 1 second
  • 500,000 baud rate can send 62500 characters per 1 second
  • 1000000 baud rate can send 125000 characters per 1 second
  • 2000000 baud rate can send 250000 characters per 1 second

Why 9600 baud rate is used?

In general, baud rate arduino is 9600. It’s because many serial devices also use this speed. For the highest speed that is often used is 115200.

I hope this article is useful.