Fix Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock Ubuntu

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lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock

How To Fix Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock Ubuntu – Linux is one of my favorite OS.

With this I am free to manage the existing system.

With this I also easily make changes from the installed application. It is a very light and fast OS.

However, some of the obstacles that have appeared in the terminal when the application is installed are that an error appears such as Could not get lock.

If you are getting this error now, you are on the right web page because I will provide a solution.

Before we enter the repair stage of this Could not get lock error, we should know why this error can appear. What’s wrong with our OS system.

What is Package KIT?

PackageKit is a system designed to make it easy to install and update software on the OS.

The main design goal is to unify all the software graphics tools used in different distributions, and use some of the latest technologies such as PolicyKit.

PackageKit includes a system-enabled daemon called packagekitd.

Being system-enabled means that it only starts when the user is using text mode or a graphical tool, and stops when it’s no longer in use.

This means we don’t delay boot sequences or start sessions and don’t waste memory when not in use.

Using packagekitd indicates that the GUI interface is indeed running updates or checking for updates.

Use cases for PackageKit exist for the following scenarios:

  • Boot time security update
  • Automatically installs files, e.g. openoffice-clipart
  • Installing new features, e.g. smart card reader
  • Allowing unauthorized users to install software in company buildings
  • Opening unknown file formats
  • Remove dependencies for files

What PackageKit is not:

  • Big daemon with lots of dependencies.
  • Targeted to a specific architecture or platform.
  • Produced by one of the vendors.

For detail information about Package Kit, please read more.

Why This Error Can Occur?

This error can occur because the dpkg (or apt) package is disconnected so that it gets corrupted or maybe it’s still running in the background.

The tips, if we are updating or installing an application or software, please wait until the installation process is complete.

Deleting the lock file manually is not safe, and the other answers explain how to do it safely.

Restarting the computer automatically deletes the old key files, and it is one of the easiest ways to get rid of the problem.

How to fix it?

Now open Terminal on your Linux OS. Just use the following command:

sudo service packagekit restart

I think this has worked and you can try the next installation. Have fun.