How to Program ESP8266 NodeMCU Arduino Beginner Blink

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NodeMCU Arduino

Program ESP8266 NodeMCU Arduino – For the days ahead, we will come in to industry 4.0 where everything is internet. It’s time for us to learn IoT from right now

One of the well-known modules is the ESP-12 which uses the ESP8266EX microcontroller.

I think we need to learn about the ESP8266 or this NodeMCU, where this module is specifically higher than the arduino board.

NodeMCU Library Board

Before we install the NodeMCU library, there are actually two ways to add the library, through the Library Manager and manually uploading it.

In this article, I only share how to install library boards automatically via the Boards Manager. Please read How To Install NodeMCU In Arduino Ide.

How to Program Blink NodeMCU V3

Now let’s learn to program this module with the Blink program or turn on the internal led and turn it off for 1 second.

However, what should be noted is that the BUILT-IN LED on NODEMCU is ACTIVE-LOW. That is, when given LOW logic, the LED lights up.

This only applies to the built in led, if you use the same I / O port as the Arduino board.

The steps we want to use are as follows:

  • Connect NodeMCU to computer
  • If the NodeMCU you are using, uses the ch340 chip as the USB to TTL Converter, please install the driver. Read here.
  • Click Tools> Boards> ESP8266 Boards> NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)
  • Use a basic configuration like this:
How to Program ESP8266 NodeMCU Arduino Beginner Blink
  • Select Port
  • Open Arduino IDE> Files> Examples> 01. Basics> Blink
  • Click Upload
  • If the upload is successful, then you will see the ESP8266 Built in module LED lights up.

Hopefully the article “How to Program NodeMCU V3 Arduino ESP8266 Basic Blink” can add to our knowledge together.

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