What is Google Ngram? Simple Explanation

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Google Ngram Viewer

In this article I will explain what Google ngram is and why it is necessary for your research.

Google ngram is one of the google services that has a word frequency analysis feature and displays results in the form of percentages graphically based on a certain year.

The data obtained are sourced from several Corpus sources such as:

  • English
  • American English
  • British English
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • French
  • German
  • Hebrew
  • Italian
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • English One Million
What is Google Ngram? Let's learn about it

What is Corpus?

Corpus is a term for a system of original text collections (both in the form of books and others) stored in one repository.

So, when we use google ngram, the google system will look for the data in the corpus (Google Books or may be other source) and the output results is based on the graph.

In addition, some Corpus applications (not ngram) are able to bring up the source of the word, for example what books are contained, who is the author and others.

Corpus is generally used for research purposes. So with Google ngram we can find the word we want in a certain year and the source of the word (eg books) for our research purposes.

How to use ngram?

To use this tool is very easy.

It just enter the keyword in the available search field.

And this tool also has several search features such as wildcard search, inflection search, case-sensitive, based on nouns, properties, descriptions, pronouns, numbers, and others and can use operators to modify words.

You can read a complete guide on how to use Google Ngram here.

Hopefully this article can give you an understanding of how ngram can provide the best results for you.

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