ESP8266 NodeMCU P10 Panel Code & Wiring

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Arduino NodeMCU P10

NodeMCU ESP8266 P10 Panel – In this article I will share a NodeMCU P10 tutorial that you can use for your projects. One of the advantages of ESP8266 this is a microcontroller module it has a very large flash memory and there is built-in WiFi.

Therefore, dot matrix panels really need a microcontroller specification like this. The thing that is very widely used is to make digital clocks and has many features such as running text and so on.


Now let’s try with the basic code and before that please assemble it like the following image.

ESP8266 NodeMCU P10 Panel Code & Wiring


Now, let’s first download the Library for the P10 NodeMCU panel using the download button below.

Basic Code

Below is the basic program code that we can use for the Arduino P10. Please copy the program below and paste it in the Arduino IDE.

   email :

#include <DMDESP.h>
#include <fonts/ElektronMart6x8.h>

#define DISPLAYS_WIDE 1 // Column
#define DISPLAYS_HIGH 1 // Row

// Number of P10 Panels used (COLUMN, ROW)

void setup() {

void loop() {
  Disp.loop();                 // Run Disp loop to refresh LED
  Disp.drawText(0, 0, "Chip"); // Show Text
  TeksJalan(8, 50);            // y position, speed;

static char *teks[] = {"Running Text Using DMDESP"};
void TeksJalan(int y, uint8_t kecepatan) {

  static uint32_t pM;
  static uint32_t x;
  int width = Disp.width();

  int fullScroll = Disp.textWidth(teks[0]) + width;

  if ((millis() - pM) > kecepatan) {
    pM = millis();
    if (x < fullScroll) {
    } else {
      x = 0;
    Disp.drawText(width - x, y, teks[0]);


Upload to the NodeMCU ESP8266 board, You can see the P10 panel. Done. I hope this ESP8266 NodeMCU P10 Panel article is useful.