Download Fritzing Exe
Download Fritzing 0.9.3b (64bit) Windows – Fritzing is an application for electronics engineering that features real-like component visualization, making circuits and making PCBs.
By using Fritzing we can easily create circuits with attractive component displays.
Friting also provides a large number of component libraries, besides that we can also create our own libraries, so that if we can’t get the components we need, we can design our own.

This software is available for Windows, MacOS to Linux. If you are new to using Fritzing, please open the sample circuit that has been provided on the File menu > Open Examples.
As of this writing, fritzing has reached version 0.9.4. But unfortunately, we can no longer download fritzing for free.
If you have more money, maybe you can buy Friting version 0.9.4. But if you don’t have the cost, you can still use Friting version 0.9.3b.
Fritzing ver 0.9.3b Support languages:
- English
- Bulgaria
- Bengali
- Czech
- German
- Greece
- Spanish
- France
- Italy
- Japan
- Korea
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Portuguese
- Romania
- Russia
- Slovakia
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- Vietnamese
- China
I’m trying to give free Fritzing version 0.9.3b. Please click the following button:
Install Fritzing
This application file can be installed on Windows 7, 8 to 10. To be able to use it, make sure you follow the steps below:
- Download File Fritzing on the button above.
- Unzip the Friting file, then enter the folder
- Find the file “fritzing.exe”
- Double click on the file.
- You will see the application will open.
- If you want more convenience, move the folder to drive C.
- Then create a shortcut in windows.
- That’s all I can share, hopefully it can help your project.
If you need a free application for arduino circuit simulation, you can use “SimulIDE”. For more complete and paid you can use the Proteus application. Please try.
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