Cura Profile Polycarbonate (PC) for Prusa i3 MK3

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Printing Polycarbonate

In this article, I will share an explanation and the best profile using the Cura Profile Polycarbonate for Prusa i3 MK3 Printer.

If you haven’t used the latest Cura software, you can download the latest version here.

Material Settings

Polycarbonate Print Temperature

Based on my experience, the best temperature for PC printing is from 240 – 280 °C. My choice can be seen in the print table below.

Build Plate Temperature

After I did the test, I got the best Build Plate Temperature temperature for this PC print which is between 90-100 degrees.

If the temperature is too high, the surface will melt a lot.

If it is too low there will be a bigfoot so that the surface finish is not perfectly sticky.

Polycarbonate Print Speed

For the outer speed itself, I suggest from 10-60 mm/s. If the object you are printing is small, use the smallest value of 10 mm/s for example, or smaller than that.

Also the speed of the top/bottom layer. It should also be slow. I suggest the value is 20-80 mm/s. Too fast, can cause big feet or peeling off the bed.

Mesh Fixes

Here I enable mesh fixes to fix mesh errors from the stl file that may exist but I didn’t notice.

Cura Profile Polycarbonate (PC) for Prusa i3 MK3
0.2mm Layer High

Cura Profile Esun Polycarbonate Table

(<1 cm object)
0.3 mm
(>1 cm object)
0.2 mm
ShellWall Thickness0.8 – 1.4 mm0.8 – 1.4 mm0.8 mm
Top Thickness0.8 – 1 mm0.8 – 1 mm1 mm
Bottom Thickness0.8 – 1 mm0.8 – 1 mm1 mm
Z Seam AlignmentUser SpecifiedUser SpecifiedUser Specified
Z Seam PositionBackBackBack
Z Seam X000
Z Seam Y000
Seam Corner PreferencesHide SeamHide SeamHide Seam
Enable IroningYesYesYes
Horizontal Expansion-0.1-0.1-0.1
MaterialPrinting Temperature240 °C250 °C270 °C
Printing Temperature Initial Layer275 °C275 °C270 °C
Final Printing Temperature260 °C265 °C265 °C
Build Plate Temperature115 °C115 °C95 °C
Speed *Print Speed5.0 mm/s60 mm/s60 mm/s
Infill Speed5.0 mm/s80 mm/s130 mm/s
Outer Wall Speed2.0 mm/s25 mm/s15 mm/s
Inner Wall Speed5.0 mm/s60 mm/s80 mm/s
Top/Bottom Speed10 mm/s30 mm/s30 mm/s
Travel Speed10 mm/s120 mm/s110 mm/s
Enable Acceleration ControlYesYesYes
Print Acceleration 800 mm/s2800 mm/s2800 mm/s2
Wall Acceleration500 mm/s2500 mm/s2500 mm/s2
Outer Wall Acceleration500 mm/s2500 mm/s2500 mm/s2
Travel Acceleration1500 mm/s21500 mm/s21500 mm/s2
TravelEnable RetractionNoNoYes
Retraction Distance0.4 mm
Retraction Speed35 mm/s
Combing ModeAllAllAll
Max Comb Distance With No Retract 0.0 mm5 mm5 mm
Avoid Printed Parts When TravelingYes YesYes
Travel Avoid Distance0.625 mm0.625 mm0.625 mm
Z Hop When RetractedYes
Z Hop Height0.4 mm
Cooling **Enable Print CoolingYesYesYes
Fan Speed15%15%20%
Regular Fan Speed at Layer222
SupportGenerate SupportYesYesYes
Support PlacementToucing BuildplateToucing BuildplateToucing Buildplate
Support Overhang Angle70°60°70°
Build Plate AdhesionBuild Plate Adhesion Type OptionalOptionalBrim
Brim Line CountOptionalOptional10
Mesh FixesMaximum Resolusion0.5 mm0.5 mm0.5 mm
Maximum Travel Resolution0.8 mm0.5 mm0.5 mm
Maximum Deviation0.0250.05 mm0.05 mm

* In Printer, set Tune > Speed : 70 for best result.

** In printer, set Tune > Fan speed : 0 If the nozzle has not reached 2 cm, so that the object is not easily separated from the heated. If the fan spins fast when starting to print objects, it causes a decrease in the temperature of the heatbed, especially at the feet of the object being printed.

Special Object (Cura 5.1)

(Rod End Bearing)
WallsWall Thickness1.2 mm
Print Thins WallsYes
Horizontal Expansion-0.1 mm
Initial Layer Horizontal Expansion-0.1 mm
Z Seam AlignmentUser Specified
Z Seam PositionBack
Z Seam X0
Z Seam Y0
Seam Corner PreferencesHide Seam
Top/BottomTop Surface Skin Layers0
Enable IroningNo
InfillInfill Density30 %
Infill before WallsYes
MaterialPrinting Temperature250 °C
Printing Temperature Initial Layer275 °C
Initial Printing Temperature245
Final Printing Temperature255 °C
Build Plate Temperature115 °C
Built Plate Temperature Initial Layer120 °C
SpeedPrint Speed60.0 mm/s
Infill Speed80.0 mm/s
Outer Wall Speed15.0 mm/s
Inner Wall Speed60.0 mm/s
Top/Bottom Speed60.0 mm/s
Travel Speed150 mm/s
Initial Layer Print Speed15.0 mm/s
Initial Layer Travel Speed20.0 mm/s
Enable Acceleration ControlYes
Print Acceleration 800 mm/s2
Wall Acceleration500 mm/s2
Outer Wall Acceleration500 mm/s2
Travel Acceleration1500 mm/s2
Enable Jerk ControlYes
TravelEnable RetractionYes
Retraction Distance1.0 mm/s
Retraction Speed45.0 mm/s
Combing ModeAll
Max Comb Distance With No Retract 0.0 mm
Retract Before Outer WallYes
Avoid Printed Parts When TravelingYes
Travel Avoid Distance0.625 mm
Z Hop When RetractedNo
Cooling Enable Print CoolingYes
Fan Speed15%
Regular Fan Speed at Layer2
Mesh FixesMaximum Resolusion0.5 mm
Maximum Travel Resolution0.8 mm
Maximum Deviation0.025

That’s what I can give you. If you get better settings for your printer, you can comment below which may be useful for others.

Hopefuly this Cura Profile Polycarbonate article is usefull.

Read more:
> Profile Cura ABS For Prusa i3 MK3 My experience