2023 32-bit Linux Distro Available

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Linux 32-bit with Graphical ISO image

List of Available 32-Bit Linux Distros in 2022 – Currently, Linux OS has become a popular choice compared to Windows OS. In addition, the famous Linux OS can run software very quickly compared to the Windows operating system. On Linux, errors such as crashes and blue screens are rare.

If you still have a computer or laptop that still uses a 32-bit architectural system, you are on the right website. In this article, I summarized a list of Linux distributions that still support 32-bit architectures that can be used by outdated PCs.

1. AntiX 22

antiX is a lightweight and fast Linux Distro based on Debian. I have tried this lightweight distro. This distro can run on old computers or laptops because it was designed to be light and fast Linux distribution, with a minimal set of pre-installed software.

Although lightweight, antiX Linux also includes basic software such as system administration and customization, including a package manager, system backup and restore tools, and tools for configuring system network and firewall settings.

One that makes it different from another distro like Ubuntu is AntiX Linux uses the “sysvinit or runit” for system initialization, while Ubuntu and its derivative use “systemd”.

AntiX Linux Minimum Requirements

  • Processor Intel-AMD x86
  • 256MB of RAM
  • 5 GB hard disk size

2. Debian

Debian is a Linux Distro first released in 1993. This distro was developed by a large community around the world. This distro is famous for its stability and security. This distribution has many derivative distros, such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux, and more.

Currently, Debian still provides installation for 32-bit computers. This is very useful for you who still have an old PC.

Debian Minimum Requirements:

  • Pentium 4 (1GHz)
  • 256MB RAM
  • Hard Drive 2GB

Note for beginner: Especially for those of you who are new to Linux, if you go to this Linux download page, there are several download file options available, such as a small installation image (netinst.iso), cloud image, and complete installation image. I suggest that you to download the 32-bit DVD version (full installation image) because this option provides a Desktop Environment.